Procurri, a global leader in IT Lifecycle Services and data center hardware, has engaged Igneo Technologies, a subsidiary of Korea Zinc and a global leader in the electronics downstream space, to support Procurri’s global Lifecycle Service operations, by providing end-of-life recycling and e-waste refining services. Utilizing the combined geographic footprint of Procurri, Igneo & Korea Zinc, along with other strategic partners, the two companies are uniquely positioned to provide turnkey and vertically integrated global recycling solutions for their customers and partners.
Procurri Global President of ITAD and Lifecycle Services Evrim Eravci (right) is joined by Igneo Technologies Chief Commercial Officer Brian Diesselhorst (left) during the Ribbon cutting ceremony of the Las Vegas Recycling facility.
IT equipment managed by Procurri is evaluated for refurbishment and reusability, prioritizing reuse over recycle. Equipment deemed end-of-life will, where practical, now be processed by Igneo or Korea Zinc, leveraging their state-of-the-art facilities. End-of-life electronics will be separated into plastics, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, and precious metal bearing. Precious metals and copper-based commodities are processed at Igneo’s facility in France or at Korea Zinc’s Onsan smelter. Plastics, steel and aluminium are sent to end processors to create new raw products that are sold back into the global supply chain to manufacture new products.